The Indian River Life-Saving Station
This article was originally written by Laura Scharle and published in the Delaware Beach Book, the official guide book of coastal Delaware.
It is not available digitally, except below:

It's a cold and snowy evening in January of 1889, and Edward Melson, a surfman of the U.S. Life-Saving Service, faces harsh winds and pounding surf as he walks down the beach, headed towards the Indian River Inlet. Although the blowing sand stings his face and each incoming wave threatens his intended path, he must stay alert and keep his attention towards the ocean – these are the perfect conditions for a captain at sea to misjudge the water and run aground. It is just before 4 a.m. when Melson reaches the key box on the north side of the inlet. Relieved that his shift is half-over, he quickly turns the key in his patrol clock so that upon his return to the station, the Keeper can confirm he completed his patrol.
Surfman Melson was stationed at the Indian River Life-Saving Station, just north of the Indian River Inlet. Melson was just one of many surfmen that patrolled our nation's coastlines from 1871 to 1915 – a period in U.S. history that is often overlooked, but dedicated to saving lives at sea: the United States Life-Saving Service.
The Indian River Life-Saving Station, however, responded to more shipwrecks than some of its neighboring stations because of its close proximity to the Indian River Inlet – an ever-changing waterway that was often very challenging to navigate. Over the past two centuries, the Indian River Inlet has taken multiple forms and has even moved up and down the coast. Some strong winter storms have caused the inlet to fill in at times, whereas other storms have caused it to reopen, and not always in the same place.
From 1915 to 1967, the inlet, the Life-Saving Station, and the surrounding lands went through some significant changes. The Life-Saving Station became the Indian River Coast Guard Station in 1915 when the Life-Saving Service merged with the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service to form the U.S. Coast Guard. In 1929 the Indian River Inlet, which was completely silted in at the time, was opened up with dynamite and dredged by the State Highway Department so that it was a navigable waterway. During the 1930s, the first bridge to span the inlet was constructed, along with a road connecting Rehoboth and Bethany Beaches. Operations at the Coast Guard Station continued until the great "Ash Wednesday" storm of 1962. Due to significant structural damage caused by the storm, the station was abandoned and a new station was built on the north side of the inlet. Finally, in 1967, the land surrounding the inlet and the original Life-Saving Station became what it is today, Delaware Seashore State Park.
The Indian River Life-Saving Station is still situated in its original location, about 1.5 miles north of the inlet. Today it is restored as a museum to its 1905 appearance and acts as the main visitor center for Delaware Seashore State Park. Historic life-saving re-enactments and programs are held throughout the year, many times with the help of the crew at the Indian River Coast Guard Station.
Much has changed along our coast since Surfman Melson was patrolling the beach and keeping watch for ships in distress. However, the Indian River Life-Saving Station and the Indian River Inlet remain in a special spot as they are surrounded by undeveloped park land, much like the scenery Edward Melson encountered each night as he walked the beaches so many years ago.